Do you use positive affirmations?
I've spent a long time stating positive affirmations in the hope that it would bring more money
into my life.
I've walked around saying out loud that "I am a millionaire!" - feeling rather stupid whilst doing it and then giving up when it didn't work.
Have you done this too?
My conclusion at that time, was that affirmations don't work.
I've learned since, that they CAN work,
but that saying positive affirmations ALONE doesn't work
and there's a very specific reason for that.
D'you want to know why?
If you do, then join me in this Money Mindset Masterclass.
In this class you'll discover :
How the Law of Attraction can help you get everything you want
and/or everything you don't want;
Why positive affirmations alone don't work;
How your past affects your ability to be wealthy in the future;
How your level of self worth is directly related to the amount of money you can have
and how much you can hold on to;
How to override Poverty Consciousness and create a Life of Abundance.
and you'll also discover some of your own limiting beliefs about money that are
holding you back and that you didn't even know you had!
Includes: Money Mindset Masterclass and Money Beliefs Hypnosis Audio* that will powerfully reprogramme your subconscious mind to override limiting beliefs and money blocks.
Investment: AUD $97
*Disclaimer: The Money Beliefs Hypnosis Audio involves being placed into a deep state of hypnosis. You should not participate in the hypnosis session if you suffer from epilepsy, schizophrenia or if you are suffering from unhealed psychological trauma. However, it is perfectly safe for you to listen to the Money Mindset Masterclass itself.
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