THE most grounded and practical, high vibe no BS ascension community on the planet at this time.
Ascension Teachings to elevate your Consciousness, Raise Your Vibration and embody your Soul...
and at the same time help you to understand exactly how to unplug from the false light matrix, de-code your mind from 3D programming and install such an unshakeable belief in who you are and what you're here for that you naturally align with your soul purpose and fulfill your mission on earth this time around. 💥
A Sacred Space where you will receive powerful energetic upgrades, transmissions of wisdom and divine teachings to activate your lightbody and unlock your cellular memory in preparation for the next stage of your personal and planetary mission.
Join a vibrant community of lightworkers, healers, teachers and spiritual seekers who are committed to releasing themselves from every level of the 3D Matrix and anchoring higher frequencies on to the planet to collectively manifest the New Earth and aid in the freedom, sovereignty and emancipation of humanity.
...Remember Who You Are...
Are you one of the many who are being called to become a Light Leader for the New Earth?
We are at a pivotal time on the planet right now.
Many people are being called to step in to a higher purpose - to activate the dormant light codes within their body so that they may once again access their inner knowing, and begin to
Remember Who They Truly Are and What They Came Here To Do... is that you?
We have a shortening window of opportunity to effect this global shift of consciousness and if we are to be successful in our mission, then we must act now...
Are you searching for the next steps on your spiritual journey?
Perhaps you're newly awakened and ascension teachings seem way beyond you... but if you're searching, then it's a sign that you're ready. Here in the Ascension Temple, you will gain all the understanding that you need to make sense of this global shift from 3D to 5D.
If 5D is familiar to you and you're working towards your 7D divine connection with your oversoul - you'll find that here too. We'll be working up to 12D and beyond. Truly multidimensional and not just limited to 5D.
If you're looking for a community where you can discuss and explore many different teachings and beliefs so that you can find your personal alignment with higher truth, then once again you've found the right place.
Part of our awakening process is to question what we have been told and unplug from the false light matrix in order to find our way back to our divine connection with Source/God/Creator.
We are the ones that are breaking down the old structures of control and accessing the true ancient knowledge and wisdom that is held within our DNA. We are reassembling those dormant codes now and THIS is the awakening...
and the purpose of the New Earth Ascension Temple is to support you in that awakening so that we can create the New Earth. This is manifestation at its highest and purest level.
Are you wondering what your role is in this ascension timeline?
Have no doubt that if you are connecting with this material, then you ARE in some way, part of the ground crew here on Earth whose mission it is to anchor the higher frequencies on to this planet in order to assist humanity in a global shift of consciousness.
Perhaps your role is to repair the earth grids in order to reclaim and reactivate the original organic ascension gateways.
Or, perhaps you simply hold codes within your own DNA template, that will help to activate others so that they too may step into their role as a lightworker, healer or teacher in this new age of light.
We all have a role to play, or we just wouldn't be here.
If you're ready to discover more about the role you're here to play, then join me inside the New Earth Ascension Temple.
New Earth Ascension Temple MEMBERSHIP
AU$110 per month
JOIN NOW for just AU$88
(this price is available for the first 20 founding members only)
and retain this Introductory Price
for the duration of your membership
1 x Monthly LIVE Ascension Teaching and Integration Class, with Karen via zoom including Q&A.
1 x Monthly LIVE Activation Meditation Class, with Karen via Zoom including Q&A
1 x Monthly Personal Development Training
Access to Community Discussion on a private platform (not on FB) for discussion on all topics connected with energy alignment, grids, exiting the matrix and true earth and galactic history.
Access to all Spiritual Development and Expansion Masterclasses
Access to Intuition for Business Masterclass
Your investment:
(For the first 20 founding members only)
One monthly payment of AU$88
(For the first 20 founding members only)
Payment every two weeks of AU$44
Still not sure if this is right for you?
Don't worry. There is no obligation to joining the waitlist.
What I'm offering you here is that if you're name is on my list, you will get first opportunity to be a founding member and get the benefit of a lower price membership.
I'll be releasing full details of what's included very soon - and you'll be the first to hear .... because you're on my list!
© Karen AnTara
ALL PROCEEDS go to OUT AND BEYOND to better serve our Community.
Contact us at: